The Body in the Castle Well (Bruno, Chief of Police #12)

The Body in the Castle Well by Martin Walker

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good, reliable, steady Bruno. He rides his horse through the woods of his beautiful Perigord, his cheerful dog is usually at hand, he talks to people, he cooks, and generally manages to perform some impressive feat of physical bravery, strength, and military smarts (in this case, sort of rappelling down a very deep well to locate a corpse and a kitten). Walker is a history buff, and there will be all the ancient through post-WWII infodumps you could want. This time there is an art history angle involving suspect attributions with dodgy documentation, which I enjoyed, as well as the occasional reference to “that wayward man in the White House.” Walker has this all down pat. Finally… FINALLY!! – Bruno is taking some notice of his friend Florence, who I determined several books ago is the right one for him, if he would only let go of his hopeless crush on the thoroughly unpleasant Isabelle.

If you are already a fan, you will not be disappointed. One more smooth, pleasant, enjoyable tale from Walker’s Dordogne. Bon appetit.

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