What is Little Fox Books? A very small imprint deep in the Midwest. We just wanted to create and make available books that the big corporate New York publishing houses can’t be bothered with. Maybe just for family and friends, or because we want a handsome little book to hold in our hands to represent the love and work that went into it. Maybe it didn’t fit easily into a particular “demographic,” or pander to a marketing niche. But the author liked it, and wanted to share it, and it’s fun to help that happen!

Why “Little Fox,” pray tell? Because one hot summer day, when we were thinking about plunging into our first project, we went for a walk in a Kansas wildlife refuge. And nearly stepped on a tiny, dying kitten at the edge of the road – all 15 ounces of him, ice cold, unable to stand up. Ticks were packed around his throat, mites packed into his ears. The vet shook his head and wished us luck. 48 hours and 16 feedings later, he marched out of the crate and wanted to know why breakfast was late. With a sharp triangular face and a white-tipped tail, he became Little Fox. And the publishing project became Little Fox Books. He now helps around the office, unpacking boxes (in order to sit in them, of course), and performs general HR duties of soothing and entertaining the staff. Why Little Fox Books? Why not?

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