There’s been a lot a going on in Hong Kong over the last year: Covid, political unrest, printing complications…. but the persevering and brave folks at Zizzle Lit are pleased to announce the release of issue 4. Zizzle produces beautiful compendia of stories and artwork aimed at young readers aged 11 on up: stories they can read for themselves, but can be enjoyed by their sibs and parents too. I’m honored that my fairy-tale riff, “The Snake Lover,” appears in the new issue, with quirky, imaginative and poignant illustrations by Humchuk. A lifelong lover of fairy tales, I never really liked how Beauty and the Beast ended up (I’m with Garbo: “Give me back my Beast!”), so I wrote my own version. I set my ophidiophobic self a challenge: to create a serpent you could fall in love with. I hope I succeeded. The new issue is available through their online shop at, or pick your favorite participating bookstore and order through And share! Buy a copy for your own family, and maybe an extra one to gift to your local school or library.

1 thought on “Zizzle #4: Snake Lover

  1. Very interesting, Julie. I had several stories published in a magazine published in China—mainland. All of a sudden, all relationships stopped. No explanation.

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